Associate Professor Liu, Pei-Feng
電話:+886-7-3121101 ext 2694
● 國立清華大學生命科學系-博士
● 國立清華大學生命科學系-碩士
● 高雄醫學院生物系-學士
● 高雄醫學大學生物醫學暨環境生物學系-系主任 (2024.08.01-迄今)
● 高雄醫學大學生物醫學暨環境生物學系-專任副教授 (2022.08.01-迄今)
● 高雄醫學大學生命科學院學士班、醫藥化學暨生物科技碩士班、生命科學博士學位學程-合聘副教授 (2022.08-迄今)
● 國立中山大學生物醫學研究所-合聘副教授 (2022.08-迄今)
● 高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院臨床醫學研究部-兼任研究員 (2020.01-迄今)
● 高雄醫學大學生物醫學暨環境生物學系-專任助理教授 (2019.08-2022.07)
● 高雄醫學大學生命科學院學士班、醫藥化學暨生物科技碩士班、生命科學博士學位學程-合聘助理教授 (2021.02-2022.07)
● 高雄醫學大學生物醫學暨環境生物學系-專任助理教授 (2019.08-2022.07)
● 國立中山大學生物醫學研究所-合聘助理教授 (2019.02-2022.07)
● 高雄醫學大學生物醫學暨環境生物學系-兼任助理教授 (2019.02-2019.07)
● 高雄榮民總醫院教學研究部-高級助理研究員 (2016.09-2019.07)
● 高雄榮民總醫院教學研究部-博士後研究員 (2013-2016)
● 高雄醫學大學臨床醫學研究中心-博士後研究員 (2011-2012)
● 美國Sanford-Burnham 轉譯醫學研究中心-參訪研究學者 (2011)
● 美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校醫學院/Veterans Medical Research Foundation-博士後研究員 (2007-2011)
針對各種腫瘤或致病細菌篩選有潛力的生物標記以:(1)探討其分子機制; (2)確認其在診斷、預後與標靶治療的應用。
- METHOD FOR THE TREATMENT OF ATG4-RELATED DISORDERS-美國US20190183860. Lee-Wei Yang, Chih-Wen Shu, Pei-Feng Liu, Kun-Lin Tsai.
● 課程評量績優-高雄醫學大學(112學年)
● 課程評量績優-高雄醫學大學(111學年)
● 教師教學評量績優-高雄醫學大學(108學年)
● 課程評量績優-高雄醫學大學(108學年)
● 教師研究論文獎-高雄醫學大學(112學年)
● 研究績優教師優秀論文獎-高雄醫學大學(110學年)
● 教師研究論文獎-高雄醫學大學(110學年)
● 教師研究論文獎-高雄醫學大學(109學年)
● 研究績優教師優秀論文獎-高雄醫學大學(108學年)
● 教師研究論文獎-高雄醫學大學(108學年)
● 年輕研究學者獎助金-嚴慶齡醫學基金會(2018)
● 指導暑期大專生專題研究成果報告績優-高雄醫學大學 (113學年)
● 指導暑期大專生榮獲專題研究成果論文壁報競賽自然組最佳口頭發表-高雄醫學大學(113學年)
● 指導暑期大專生榮獲專題研究成果論文壁報競賽自然組特優-高雄醫學大學(113學年)
● 指導暑期大專生榮獲專題研究成果論文壁報競賽自然組優等-高雄醫學大學(113學年)
● 指導大專生榮獲學生論文壁報競賽生醫與生技組優等-高雄醫學大學生命科學院(112學年)
● 指導大專生榮獲學生論文壁報競賽生醫與生技組佳作-高雄醫學大學生命科學院(112學年)
● 指導暑期大專生專題研究成果報告績優-高雄醫學大學 (112學年)
● 校級績優導師(生命科學院)-高雄醫學大學(111學年)
● 指導暑期大專生榮獲壁報論文競賽自然組優等-高雄醫學大學(111學年)
● 指導大專生榮獲研究生論文壁報競賽生醫與生技組優等-高雄醫學大學生命科學院(111學年)
● 指導大專生榮獲研究生論文壁報競賽生醫與生技組佳作-高雄醫學大學生命科學院(111學年)
● 指導大專生國科會研究計畫-高雄醫學大學(110學年)
● 校級績優輔導導師(職涯組)-高雄醫學大學(110學年)
● 指導暑期大專生榮獲壁報論文競賽自然組特優-高雄醫學大學(110學年)
● 指導大專生榮獲研究生論文壁報競賽生醫與生技組佳作-高雄醫學大學生命科學院(110學年)
● 指導研究生榮獲學生論文壁報競賽生醫與生技組第三名-高雄醫學大學生命科學院(109學年)
● 指導大專生榮獲學生論文壁報競賽生醫與生技組佳作-高雄醫學大學生命科學院(109學年)
● 指導暑期大專生榮獲壁報論文競賽自然組優等-高雄醫學大學(109學年)
● 校級績優導師(生命科學院)-高雄醫學大學(108學年)
期刊論文:(#: first author; *: corresponding author)
1. JR Weng#, CW Shu#, CC Chang#, YC Wu, HC Yang, CH Lee, HU Dahms, WY Lin, CL Chen, PF Liu* (2024) Aglaia elliptifolia leaf extract inhibits autophagy-related 4B protease and sup-presses malignancies of colorectal cancer cells. Environmental Toxicology (In Press, IF: 4.4, 18/106 (<20%), TOXICOLOGY)
2. KF Hu#, CW Shu#, CF Chen, CH Lee, HC Kung, YH Chou, CL Chen, PF Liu* (2024) Regulation of exosomal miR-320d/FAM49B axis by guanylate binding protein 5 promotes cell growth and tumor progression in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine (Accepted, IF: 2.7, 35/157, DENTISTRY, ORAL, SURGERY &MEDICINE)
3. KF Hu, JL Yeh, YC Lin, PF Liu, YHs Chou*, CJ Tseng* (2024) The correlation between body mass index and the effectiveness of non-surgical periodontal treatment in Taiwan population. Clinical Oral Investigations (Accepted, IF: 3.1, 23/157(<20%), DENTISTRY, ORAL, SURGERY &MEDICINE)
4. Chou YH, Hsiao WL, Chen CJ, Lin YC, Liu PF, Hu KF*, Cheng CW* (2024). Association between prosthesis contour and peri-implantitis in patients compliant with supportive periodontal therapy: A retrospective cohort study. Journal of Prosthodontic Research (In Press, IF:3.2, 20/157(<20%), DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE)
5. CF Chen, CM Chen, WC Huang, SH Liu, LL Wang, PF Liu, PH Chen* (2024). The Use of Customized 3D-Printed Mandibular Prostheses with Pressure-Reducing Device: A Clinical Trial. Head & Neck. 2024;46:1614–1624 (IF: 2.3, 14/65, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY )
6. CF Chen, WC Huang, SH Liu, LL Wang, PF Liu, Chen PH, Chen CM* (2024). Use of Customized 3-Dimensional Printed Mandibular Prostheses with A Dental Implant Pressure-Reducing Device in Mandibular Body Defect: A Finite Element Study Performing Multiresponse Surface Methodology. Journal of Dental Sciences 19(1):502-514. (IF: 3.4, 17/157(<20%), DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE)
7. KF Hu#, CW Shu#, CH Lee, CJ Tseng, YH Chou, PF Liu* (2023). Comparative Clinical Significance And Biological Roles of PFKFB Family Members in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancer Cell International 23(1):257.(IF: 5.3, 61/322(<20%), ONCOLOGY)
8. JL Yang#, WL Lin#, SB Tai, YS Ciou, CL, Chung, JJ Chen, PF Liu, MW Lin, CL Chen* (2023) Suppression of TGFβ-Induced Interleukin-6 Secretion by Sinulariolide from Soft Corals through Attenuation of the p38–NF-kB Pathway in Carcinoma Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24 (14), 11656. (IF: 4.9, 66/313, BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)
9. YH Chou, YJ Chen, CP Pan, WH Yen, PF Liu, IJ Feng, YC Lin*, KF Hu*(2023). Prevalence of Peri-implantitis After Alveolar Ridge Preservation at Periodontitis and Nonperiodontitis. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 25(6):1000-1007. (IF: 3.7, 14/157(<10%), DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE)
10. SW Lin, KF Hu*, YC Lin, PF Liu, YH Chou* (2023) Changes in Alveolar Bone Width Around Maxillary Implants, As Determined through Cone Beam Computed Tomography Based On Bony Landmarks: A Preliminary Study. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. 25(5):861-870. (IF: 3.7, 14/157(<10%), DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE)
11. YF Chang#, HH Wang#, CW Shu, WL Tsai, CH Lee, CL Chen, PF Liu* (2023) TMEM211 Promotes Tumor Progression and Metastasis in Colon Cancer. Current Issues in Molecular Biology 45(6), 4529-4543 (IF: 2.8, 184/313, BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)
12. PF Liu and YF Chang* (2023) The controversial roles of areca nut: medicine or toxin? International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(10), 8996. (IF: 4.9, 66/313, BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)
13. CC Tseng#, CC Hung#, CW Shu, CH Lee, CF Chen, MS Kuo, YY Kao, CL Chen, LP Ger, PF Liu*(2023) The Clinical and Biological Effects of Receptor Expression-Enhancing Protein 6 in Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Biomedicines 11(5), 1270 (IF: 3.9, 85/354, PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY)
14. WH Hu#, TT Liu#, PF Liu, P Morgan, IL Lin, WL Tsai, YY Cheng, AT Hsieh, TH Hu, CW Shu* (2023) ATG4B and pS383/392-ATG4B Serve as Potential Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets of Colorectal Cancer. Cancer Cell International 23(1):63. (IF: 5.3, 61/322(<20%), ONCOLOGY)
15. PF Liu#, CF Chen#, LP Ger, WL Tsai, HH Tseng, CH Lee, WH Yang, CW Shu* (2022) MAP3K11 Facilitates Autophagy Activity and is Correlated with Malignancy of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Journal of Cellular Physiology 237(11):4275-4291. (IF: 4.5, 11/85(<20%), PHYSIOLOGY)
16. PF Liu#, AA Farooqie#, SY Peng, TJ Yu, HU Dahms, C H Lee, JY Tang, SC Wang, CW Shu*, HW Chang* (2022) Regulatory Effects of Noncoding RNAs on the Interplay of Oxidative Stress and Autophagy in Cancer Malignancy and Therapy. Seminars in Cancer Biology 83:269-282. (IF: 12.1, 21/322(<10%), ONCOLOGY)
17. YH Chou, YC Lin, MH Lee, YT Huang, PF Liu, CL Huang, KF Hu* (2022) Highly Educated Patients Have Lower Dental Compliance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: an Observational Study. BMC Oral Health 22(1):284 (IF: 2.6, 39/157, DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE)
18. WL Tsai*, JS Cheng, PF Liu, TH Chang, WC Sun, WC Chen, CW Shu* (2022) Sofosbuvir Induces Gene Expression for Promoting Cell Proliferation and Migration of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells. Aging-US 14(14):5710-5726 (IF: 3.9, 24/74, GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY)
19. KC Chang, PF Liu, CH Chang, YC Lin, YJ Chen, CW Shu* (2022) The Interplay of Autophagy and Oxidative Stress in the Pathogenesis and Therapy of Retinal Degenerative Diseases. Cell and Bioscience 12(1):1 (IF: 6.1, 47/313(<20%), BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)
20. PF Liu, CW Shu, CH Lee, HC Sie, HH Liou, JT Cheng, LP Ger, CL Chen, CC Chen*, CF Chen* (2021) Clinical Significance and the Role of Guanylate-Binding Protein 5 in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancers (Basel) 13(16): 4043. (IF: 4.5, 78/322, ONCOLOGY)
21. PF Liu, CW Shu, HC Yang, CH Lee, HH Liou, LP Ger, YD Tony Tzeng*, WC Wang* (2021) Combined Evaluation of MAP1LC3B and SQSTM1 for Biological and Clinical Significance in Ductal Carcinoma of Breast Cancer. Biomedicines 9(11):1514. (IF: 3.9, 85/354, PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY)
22. YK Tseng, CF Chen, CW Shu, CH Lee, YT Chou, YJ Li, HH Liou, JT Cheng, CL Chen, LP Ger, PF Liu* (2021) Effect of EGFR on SQSTM1 Expression in Malignancy and Tumor Progression of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(22):12226. (IF: 4.9, 66/313, BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)
23. JT Cheng#, PF Liu#(co-first author), HC Yang, SJ Huang, M Griffithg, P Morgang, CW Shu* (2021) Tumor Susceptibility Gene 101 Facilitates Rapamycin-Induced Autophagic Flux in Neuron Cells. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 134:111106. (IF: 6.9, 15/354(<5%), PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY)
24. CC Chang#, CC Chiu#, PF Liu, CH Wu, YC Tseng, CH Lee, CW Shu* (2021) Kinome-Wide siRNA Screening Identifies DYRK1B as a Potential Therapeutic Target for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cell. Cancers 13(22):5779. (IF: 4.5, 78/322, ONCOLOGY)
25. WH Hu#, WC Yang#, PF Liu, TT Liu, P Morgan, WL Tsai, HW Pan, CH Lee CW Shu* (2021) Clinicopathological Association of Autophagy Related 5 Protein with Prognosis of Colorectal Cancer. Diagnostics 11(5):782. (IF: 3.0, 59/329(<20%), MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL)
26. CY Huang#, JL Yang#, JJ Chen#, SB Tai, YH Yeh, PF Liu, MW Lin, CL Chung, CL Chen* (2021) Fluoroquinolones Suppress TGF-β and PMA-Induced MMP-9 Production in Cancer Cells: Implications in Repurposing Quinolone Antibiotics for Cancer Treatment. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(21):11602. (IF: 4.9, 66/313, BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)
27. KF Hu, SW Lin, YC Lin, JH Jeng, YT Huang, PF Liu, CJ Tseng*, YH Chou* (2021) Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography to Assess Changes in Alveolar Bone Width around Dental implants at Native and Reconstructed Bone Sites: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal of Personalized Medicine 11(10):1011. (IF: 3.0, 59/329(<20%), MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL)
28. CW Shu#, JR Weng#, HW Chang, PF Liu, JJ Chen, CC Peng, JW Huang, WY Lin, CY Yen* (2021) Tribulus Terrestris Fruit Extract Inhibits Autophagic Flux to Diminish Cell Proliferation and Metastatic Characteristics of Oral Cancer Cells. Environmental Toxicology 36(6):1173-1180. (IF: 4.4, 18/106(<20%), TOXICOLOGY)
29. CY Huang#, CL Chung#, TH Hu, JJ Chen, PF Liu, CL Chen* (2021) Recent Progress in TGF-β Inhibitors for Cancer Therapy. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 134:111046. (IF: 6.9, 15/354(<5%), PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY)
30. PF Liu, CF Chen, CW Shu, HM Chang, CH Lee, HH Liou, LP Ger, CL Chen, BH Kang* (2020) UBE2C is a Potential Biomarker for Tumorigenesis and Prognosis in Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Diagnostics 2020, 10(9):674. (IF: 3.0, 59/329(<20%), MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL)
31. PF Liu*, HC Chen, CW Shu, HC Sie, CH Lee, HH Liou, JT Cheng, KW Tsai, LP Ger (2020)
Guanylate-binding Protein 6 is a Novel Biomarker for Tumorigenesis and Prognosis in Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Clinical Oral Investigations 24(8):2673-2682. (IF: 3.1, 23/157(<20%), DENTISTRY, ORAL, SURGERY &MEDICINE)
32. HC Chen#, YK Tseng#, CW Shu, TY Fu, HH Liou, CH Huang, CC Chen, JS Wang, PC Wu, LP Ger, WC
Hung, PF Liu* (2020) Prognostic Role of RECK in Pathological Outcome-dependent Buccal Mucosa
Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Oral Diseases 2020; 26(1):62-71. (IF: 2.9, 30/157(<20%), DENTISTRY, ORAL, SURGERY &MEDICINE)
33. BH Kang#, CW Shu#, JK Chao, CH Lee, TY Fu, HH Liou, LP Ger, PF Liu* (2020) HSPD1 Repressed
E-cadherin Expression to Promote Cell Invasion and Migration for Poor Prognosis in Oral Squamous Cell
Carcinoma. Scientific Reports 10(1):1829 (IF: 3.8, 25/134(<20%), MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
34. PF Liu, HC Chen, JS Cheng, WL Tsai, HP Lee, SC Wang, WH Peng, CH Lee, LP Ger, CW Shu* (2019)
Association of ATG4B and Phosphorylated ATG4B Proteins with Tumorigenesis and Prognosis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancers (Basel) 11(12): 1854. (IF: 4.5, 78/322, ONCOLOGY)
35. YG Goan, PF Liu, HW Chang, HC Chen, WC Chen, SM Kuo, CH Lee, CW Shu* (2019) Kinome-Wide Screening with Small Interfering RNA Identified Polo-like Kinase 1 as a Key Regulator of Proliferation in Oral Cancer Cells. Cancers (Basel) 11(8):1117. (IF: 4.5, 78/322, ONCOLOGY)
36. HC Chen#, YK Tseng#, CW Shu, TJ Weng, HH Liou, LM Yen, IC Hsieh, CC Wang, PC Wu, YL Shiue, TY Fu, KW Tsai, LP Ger*, PF Liu*(2019) Differential Clinical Significance of COL5A1 and COL5A2 in Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine 48(6):468-476 (IF: 2.7, 35/157, DENTISTRY, ORAL, SURGERY &MEDICINE)
37. JS Cheng#, WL Tsai#, PF Liu# (co-first author), YG Goan, CW Lin, HH Tseng, CH Lee, CW Shu* (2019) The MAP3K7-mTOR Axis Promotes the Proliferation and Malignancy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells. Frontiers in Oncology 9:474 (IF: 3.5, 107/322, ONCOLOGY)
38. HW Chang#, PF Liu# (co-first author), WL Tsai, WH Hu, YC Hu, HC Yang, WY Lin, JR Weng, CW Shu* (2019) Xanthium strumarium Fruit Extract Inhibits ATG4B and Diminishes the Proliferation and Metastatic Characteristics of Colorectal Cancer Cells. Toxins 11(6):313 (IF: 3.9, 23/106,TOXICOLOGY)
39. HY Chang, YK Tseng, YC Chen, CW Shu, MI Lin, HH Liou, TY Fu, YC Lin, LP Ger, MH Yeh*, PF Liu*(2018) High Snail Expression Predicts a Poor Prognosis in Breast Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Patients with HER2/EGFR-positive Subtypes. Surgical Oncology-Oxford 27(2):314-320 (IF: 2.3, 79/290, SURGERY)
40. PF Liu#, KL Tsai#, CJ Hsu#, WL Tsai, JS Cheng, HW Chang, CW Shiau, YG Goan, HH Tseng, CH Wu, JC Reed, LW Yang, CW Shu* (2018) Drug Repurposing Screening Identifies Tioconazole as an ATG4 Inhibitor that Suppresses Autophagy and Sensitizes Cancer Cells to Chemotherapy. Theranostics 8(3): 830-845 (IF: 12.4, 8/189(<5%), MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL)
41. PF Liu, Y Wang, RG Ulrich, CW. Simmons, JS. VanderGheynst, RL Gallo, CM Huang* (2018) Leaf-Encapsulated Vaccines: Agroinfiltration and Transient Expression of the Antigen Staphylococcal Endotoxin B in Radish Leaves. Journal of Immunology Research 2018:3710961 (IF: 3.5, 90/181, IMMUNOLOGY)
42. PF Liu#, HW Chang#, JS Cheng, HP Lee, CY Yen, WL Tsai, JT Cheng, YJ Li, WC Huang, CH Lee, LP Ger, CW Shu* (2018) MAPLC3B and SQSTM1 Modulated Autophagy for Tumorigenesis and Prognosis in Certain Subsites of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Journal of Clinical Medicine 7(12):478 (IF: 3.0, 59/329(<20%), MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL)
43. YD Tony Tzeng#, PF Liu# (co-first author), JY Li, LF Liu, SY Kuo, CW Hsieh, CH Lee, CH Wu, M Hsiao, HT Chang, CW Shu* (2018) Kinome-wide siRNA Screening Identifies Src-enhanced Resistance of Chemotherapeutic Drugs in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2018; 9:1285 (IF: 4.4, 65/354(<20%), PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY)
44. PF Liu#, CJ Hsu#, WL Tsai, JS Cheng, JJ Chen, IF Huang, HH Tseng, HW Chang*, CW Shu* (2017) Ablation of ATG4B Suppressed Autophagy and Activated AMPK for Cell Cycle Arrest in Cancer Cells. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 44(2):728-740 (IF:2.5, 36/85, PHYSIOLOGY).
45. PF Liu, YC Hu, BH Kang, YK Tseng, PC Wu, CC Liang, YY Hou, TY Fu, HH Liou, IC Hsieh, LP Ger*, CW Shu*(2017) Expression Levels of Cleaved Caspase-3 and Caspase-3 in Tumorigenesis and Prognosis of Oral Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma. PLoS One 12(7):e0180620 (IF: 2.9, 31/134, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
46. PF Liu#, BH Kang#, YM Wu, JH Sun, LM Yen, TY Fu, YC Lin, HH Liou, YS Lin, HC Sie, IC Hsieh, YK Tseng, CW Shu, YD Hsieh, LP Ger* (2017) Vimentin is a Potential Prognostic Factor for Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma among Five Epithelial–mesenchymal Transition-related Proteins. PLoS One 12(6):e0178581 PLoS One 12(7):e0180620 (IF: 2.9, 31/134, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
47. PF Liu, Y Wang, YT Liu, CM Huang* (2017) Vaccination with Killed but Metabolically Active E. coli Over-expressing Hemagglutinin Elicits Neutralizing Antibodies to H1N1 Swine Origin Influenza A Virus. Journal of Nature and Science 3(2):e317.
48. Huang JS#, Yang CM# (co-equal first author), Wang JS, Liou HH, Hsieh IC, Li GC, Huang SJ, Shu CW, Fu TY, Lin YC, Ger LP*, PF Liu* (2017) Caspase-3 Expression in Tumorigenesis and Prognosis of Buccal Mucosa Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Oncotarget 8(48):84237-84247 (2016 IF: 5.168, 44/217, ONCOLOGY)
49. HH Tseng, YK Tseng, JJ You, BH Kang, TH Wang, CM Yang, HC Chen, HH Liou, PF Liu, LP Ger*, KW Tsai* (2017) Next-generation Sequencing for microRNA Profiling: MicroRNA-21-3p Promotes Oral Cancer Metastasis. Anticancer Research 37(3):1059-1066 (IF: 1.6, 253/322, ONCOLOGY)
50. TY Fu#, CN Wu#, HC Sie, JT Cheng, YS Lin, HH Liou, YK Tseng, CW Shu, KW Tsai, LM Yen, HW Tseng, CJ Tseng, LP Ger*, PF Liu* (2016) Subsite-specific Association of DEAD Box RNA Helicase DDX60 with the Development and Prognosis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Oncotarget 7(51):85097-85108 (2016 IF: 5.168, 44/217, ONCOLOGY)
51. CW Shu, HT Chang, CS Wu, CH Chen, S Wu, Chang HW, Kuo SY, Fu E, PF Liu* (co-corresponding author), Hsieh YD* (2016) RelA-mediated BECN1 Expression is Required for Reactive Oxygen Species-Induced Autophagy in Oral Cancer Cells Exposed to Low-Power Laser Irradiation. PLoS One 11(9):e0160586 (IF: 2.9, 31/134, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
52. HW Chen, PF Liu, YT Liu, S Kuo, XQ Zhang, RT Schooley, H Rohde, RL Gallo, CM Huang* (2016)
Nasal Commensal Staphylococcus Epidermidis Counteracts Influenza Virus. Scientific Reports 6:27870
53. CM Yang, TH Wang, HC Chen, SC Li, MC Lee, HH Liou, PF Liu, YK Tseng, YL Shiue, LP Ger, KW Tsai* (2016) Aberrant DNA Hypermethylation-silenced SOX21-AS1 Gene Expression and Its Clinical Importance in Oral Cancer. Clinical Epigenetics 8:129 (IF: 4.8, 29/191(<20%), GENETICS &HEREDITY)
54. YY Ho, JJ You, CM Yang, HW Pan, HC Chen, JH Lee, YS Lin, HH Liou, PF Liu, LP Ger*, KW Tsai*. (2016) Aberrant DNA Hypomethylation of miR-196b Gene Contributes to Migration and Invasion of Oral Cancer. Oncology Letters 11(6):4013-4021 (IF: 2.5, 183/322, ONCOLOGY)
55. PF Liu#, JS Cheng#, CL Sy#, WC Huang, HC Yang, RL. Gallo, CM Huang, CW Shu* (2015) IsaB Inhibits Autophagic Flux to Promote Host Transmission of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 135(11):2714-2722 (IF: 5.7, 8/94(<10%), DERMATOLOGY).
56. PF Liu, YD Hsieh, YC Lin, A Two, CW Shu*, CM Huang* (2015) Propionibacterium acnes in the Pathogenesis and Immunotherapy of Acne Vulgaris. Current Drug Metabolism 16(4):245-254 (IF: 2.1, 210/354, PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY)
57. WZ Liang#, PF Liu# (co-first author), E Fu, HS Chung, CR Jan, CH Wu, CW Shu*, YD Hsieh* (2015) Selective Cytotoxic Effects of Low-Power Laser Irradiation on Human Oral Cancer Cells. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 47(9):756-764 (IF: 2.2, 90/290, SURGERY)
58. IF Huang#, IC Lin#, PF Liu, YC Liu, YD Hsieh, JJ Chen, CL Chen, HW Chang, CW Shu* (2015) Lactobacillus Acidophilus Attenuates Salmonella-induced Intestinal inflammation via TGF-β signaling. BMC Microbiology 15:203 (IF: 4.0, 53/161, MICROBIOLOGY)
59. PF Liu#, CM Leung#, YH Chang, JS Cheng, JJ Chen, CJ Weng, KW Tsai, CJ Hsu, YC Liu, PC Hsu, HW Pan*, CW Shu* (2014) ATG4B Promotes Colorectal Cancer Growth Independent of Autophagic Flux. Autophagy 10(8):1454-1465 (IF: 14.6, 13/205(<10%), CELL BIOLOGY)
60. PF Liu, IF Huang, CW Shu*, CM Huang* (2013) Halitosis Vaccines Targeting FomA, a Biofilm-bridging Protein in Fusobacteria nucleatum. Current Molecular Medicine 13(8):1358-1367 (IF: 2.2, 113/189, MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL)
61. WS Chen, TW Chen, TH Yang, LY Hu, HW Pan, CM Leung, SC Li, MR Ho, CW Shu, PF Liu, SY Yu, YT Tu, WC Lin, TT Wu*, KW Tsai* (2013) Co-modulated Behavior and Effects of Differentially Expressed miRNA in Colorectal Cancer. BMC Genomics 14 (Suppl 5):S12 (IF: 3.5, 60/191, GENETICS & HEREDITY)
62. CW Shu*, PF Liu, CM Huang* (2012) High-Throughput Screening for Drug Discovery of Autophagy
Modulators. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 15(9):721-729 (IF: 1.6, 48/74, CHEMISTRY, APPLIED)
63. PF Liu, T Nakatsuji, W Zhu, RL Gallo, CM Huang* (2011) Passive Immunoprotection Targeting a Secreted CAMP Factor of Propionibacterium acnes as a Novel Immunotherapeutic for Acne Vulgaris. Vaccine 29(17):3230-8 (IF: 4.5, 52/189, MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL)
64. PF Liu, WY Shi, WH Zhu, JW Smith, SL Hsieh, RL Gallo, CM Huang* (2010) Vaccination Targeting Surface FomA of Fusobacterium nucleatum against Bacterial Co-Aggregation: Implication for Treatment of Periodontal Infection and Halitosis. Vaccine 28(19), 3496-3505 (IF: 4.5, 52/189, MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL)
65. CH Chen, XQ Zhang, CW Lo, PF Liu, YT Liu, RL Gallo, MF Hsieh*, RT Schooley*, CM Huang* (2010) The Essentiality of Alpha-2-Macroglobulin in Human Salivary Innate Immunity against New H1N1 Swine Origin Influenza A Virus. Proteomics 10(12), 2396-2401 (IF: 3.4, 26/85, BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS)
66. YK Wang, WC Chang, PF Liu, MK Hsiao, CT Lin, SM Lin, RL Pan* (2010) Ovate Family Protein 1 as A Plant Ku70 Interacting Protein Involving in DNA Double-Strand Break Repair. Plant Molecular Biology 74(4-5), 453-466 (IF: 3.9, 48/265(<20%), PLANT SCIENCES)
67. PF Liu, WH Zhu, CM Huang* (2009) Vaccines and Photodynamic Therapies for Oral Microbial-Related Diseases. Current Drug Metabolism 10(1), 90-94 (IF: 2.3, 235/285, PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY)
68. PF Liu, SK Haake, RL. Gallo, CM Huang* (2009) A Novel Vaccine Targeting Fusobacterium nucleatum against Abscesses and Halitosis. Vaccine 27(10), 1589-1595 (IF: 4.5, 52/189, MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL)
69. PF Liu, CW Lo, CH Chen, MF Hsien, CM Huang* (2009) Use of Nanoparticles as Therapy for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infections. Current Drug Metabolism 10 (8), 875-884. (IF: 2.1, 210/354, PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY)
70. SH Hsu, YY Hsiao, PF Liu, SM Lin, YY Luo, RL Pan* (2009) Purification, Characterization, and Spectral Analyses of Histidine-Tagged Vacuolar H+-Pyrophosphatase Expressed in Yeast. Botanical Studies 50, 291-301 (IF: 4.1, 44/265(<20%), PLANT SCIENCES)
71. PF Liu, YK Wang, WC Chang, HY Chang, RL Pan* (2008) Regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana Ku Genes at Different Developmental Stages under Heat Stress. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1779 (6-7), 402-407 (IF: 2.6, 39/77, BIOPHYSICS)
72. PF Liu, WC Chang, YK Wang, HY Chang, RL Pan* (2008) Signaling Pathways Mediating the Suppression of Arabidopsis thaliana Ku Gene Expression by Abscisic Acid. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1779(3), 164-174 (IF: 2.6, 39/77, BIOPHYSICS)
73. JY Fang, PF Liu, CM Huang* (2008) Decreasing Systemic Toxicity via Transdermal Delivery of Anticancer Drugs. Current Drug Metabolism 9(7), 592-597 (IF: 2.1, 210/354, PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY)
74. CW Shu, FC Sun, JH Cho, CC Lin, PF Liu, PY Chen, MDT Chang, HW Fu, YK Lai* (2008) GRP78 and Raf-1 Cooperatively Confer Resistance to Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Apoptosis. Journal of Cellular Physiology 215(3):627-35 (IF: 4.5, 11/85(<20%), PHYSIOLOGY)
75. WC Chang#, YK Wang#, PF Liu, YF Tsai, LR Kong, CK Lin, CH Yang, RL Pan* (2008) Regulation of Ku Gene Promoters in Arabidopsis by Hormones and Stress. Functional Plant Biology 35(4):265-280 (IF: 2.6, 87/265, PLANT SCIENCE)
76. PF Liu, WC Chang, YK Wang, SB Munisamy, SH Hsu, HY Chang, SH Wu, RL Pan* (2007) Differential Regulation of Ku Gene Expression in Etiolated Mung Bean Hypocotyls by Auxins. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1769(7-8), 443-454. (IF: 2.6, 39/77, BIOPHYSICS)
77. YY Hsiao, YJ Pan, SH Hsu, YT Huang, TH Liu, CH Lee, CH Lee, PF Liu, WC Chang, YK Wang, LF Chien, RL Pan* (2007) Functional Roles of Arginine Residues in Mung Bean Vacuolar H+-Pyrophosphatase. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- Bioenergetics 1767(7):965-73 (IF: 3.4, 17/77, BIOPHYSICS)
78. SY Kuo, LF Chien, RC Van, KH Yan, PF Liu, WC Chang, JK Wang, RL Pan* (2005) Purification and Subunit Determination of H+-Pyrophosphatase from Endoplasmic Reticulum-Enriched Vesicles of Mung Bean Seedlings. Plant Science 169(5), 847-853 (IF: 4.2, 42/265(<20%), PLANT SCIENCES)
79. SY Kuo, LF Chien, YY Hsiao, RC Van, KH Yan, PF Liu, SJ Mao, RL Pan* (2005) Proton Pumping Inorganic Pyrophosphatase of Endoplasmic Reticulum-Enriched Vesicles from Etiolated Mung Bean Seedlings. Journal of Plant Physiology 162(2):129-38 (IF: 4.0, 46/265(<20%), PLANT SCIENCES)
80. KH Yan, PF Liu, HT Tzeng, WC Chang, WG Chou, RL Pan* (2004) Characterization of DNA End-Binding Activities in Higher Plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 42(7-8):617-22 (IF: 6.1, 20/265(<10%), PLANT SCIENCES)